Monte Carlo Lock puzzle

from muk.core import *
from muk.ext import *
import random, math

def machine(*, rules):
    def M(α, β):
        return condi(*[[r(α, β, machine=M), succeed] for r in rules], dovetail=True)
    return M

def _machine(*, rules):
    def M(α, β):
        return disj(*[r(α, β, machine=M) for r in rules], dovetail=True)
    return M
def smachine(*, rules):
    def M(α, β):
        return conds(*[[rv, r(α, β, machine=M), succeed] for rv, r in rules], dovetail=True)
    return M

def nullo(l):
    return unify([], l)

def appendo(r, s, out):
    def A(r, out):
        return conde([nullo(r), unify(s, out)],
                     else_clause=fresh(lambda a, d, res: 
                                            unify([a]+d, r) &
                                            unify([a]+res, out) &
                                            fresh(lambda: A(d, res))))
    return A(r, out)

def reverseo(a, l):
    The following implementation resembles the following Haskell equations:

    reverse :: [a] -> [a]
    reverse [] = []
    reverse (x:xs) = reverse xs ++ [x]

    where `++` denotes the `append` function, therefore it computes in $O(n^{2})$ 
    because `++` computes in linear time respect to the size of its first list argument.
    return conde([nullo(a), nullo(l)],
                 else_clause=fresh(lambda car, cdr, res: 
                    unify([car]+cdr, a) &
                    appendo(res, [car], l) &
                    fresh(lambda: reverseo(cdr, res))))

def linear_reverseo(a, l):
    The following implementation resembles the following Haskell equations:

    reverse :: [a] -> [a]
    reverse xs = rev xs []
        where   rev [] ys = ys
                rev (x:xs) ys = rev xs (x:ys) 
    def ro(xs, ys):
        return condi([nullo(xs), unify(ys, l)],
                     else_clause=fresh(lambda car, cdr: 
                        unify([car]+cdr, xs) @ fresh(lambda: ro(cdr, [car]+ys))))
    return fresh(lambda ys: nullo(ys) & ro(a, ys))

def sreverseo(a, l):
    return conde([nullo(a), nullo(l)],
                 else_clause=fresh(lambda car, cdr, res: 
                                        stochastic_rank([geometric(p=1/2), unify([car]+cdr, a)], 
                                                        [geometric(p=1/3), appendo(res, [car], l)], 
                                                        [geometric(p=1/10), fresh(lambda: sreverseo(cdr, res))],

def associateo(γ, γ2γ):
    return appendo(γ, [2]+γ, γ2γ)

def symmetrico(α, reverseo=reverseo):
    return reverseo(α, α)

def repeato(γ, γγ):
    return appendo(γ, γ, γγ)

def mcculloch_first_ruleo(α, β, *, machine):
    return unify([2]+β, α)

def mcculloch_second_ruleo(α, δ2δ, *, machine):
    return fresh(lambda η, δ: unify([3]+η, α) & associateo(δ, δ2δ) & machine(η, δ))

def mcculloch_third_ruleo(α, δ_reversed, *, machine, reverseo=reverseo):
    return fresh(lambda η, δ: unify([4]+η, α) & reverseo(δ, δ_reversed) & machine(η, δ))

def mcculloch_fourth_ruleo(α, δδ, *, machine):
    return fresh(lambda η, δ: unify([5]+η, α) & repeato(δ, δδ) & machine(η, δ))

def mcculloch_fifth_ruleo(α, β, *, machine):
    return appendo([2]+β, [2], α)

def mcculloch_sixth_ruleo(α, _2δ, *, machine):
    return fresh(lambda η, δ: unify([6]+η, α) @ unify([2]+δ, _2δ) @ machine(η, δ))

mccullocho = machine(rules=[ mcculloch_second_ruleo, mcculloch_first_ruleo, ])

def mcculloch_lawo(γ, αγ, *, machine=mccullocho):
    return fresh(lambda α: appendo([3, 2]+α, [3], γ) @
                           appendo(α, γ, αγ) @
                           complement(nullo(α)) @
                           complement(nullo(γ)) @
                           machine(γ, αγ))

def lengtho(α, l):

    def L(α, *, acc):
        return conde([nullo(α), unify(l, acc)],
                     else_clause=fresh(lambda a, β: unify([a]+β, α) & fresh(lambda: L(β, acc=acc+1))))

    return L(α, acc=0)

def leqo(a, b):
    return project(a, b, into=lambda a, b: unify(True, a <= b))

mcculloch_o = machine(rules=[ mcculloch_second_ruleo, mcculloch_third_ruleo, mcculloch_first_ruleo, ])
mcculloch__o = machine(rules=[ mcculloch_second_ruleo, mcculloch_fourth_ruleo, 
                                mcculloch_third_ruleo, mcculloch_first_ruleo, ])

def opnumbero(α):
     return disj(nullo(α), fresh(lambda a, β: 
                                    appendo(β, [a], α) @
                                    condi([unify(a, 3), succeed],
                                          [unify(a, 4), succeed],
                                          [unify(a, 5), succeed]) @
                                    fresh(lambda: opnumbero(β))))

def operationo(M, χ, M_of_χ, *, machine=mcculloch__o):
    return fresh(lambda M2χ: appendo(M, [2]+χ, M2χ) @ machine(M2χ, M_of_χ))

def craig_lawo(, M_of_Mγ, *, machine=mcculloch__o):
    return fresh(lambda γ: mcculloch_lawo(γ, ) @ machine(, M_of_Mγ))

def craig_second_lawo(, M_of_Mγ, *, machine=mcculloch__o):
    return fresh(lambda γ, M, A: mcculloch_lawo(γ, ) @ appendo(A, M, ) @ machine(, M_of_Mγ))

mcculloch___o = machine(rules=[ mcculloch_fourth_ruleo, mcculloch_third_ruleo, 
                                mcculloch_sixth_ruleo, mcculloch_fifth_ruleo ])

def bernoulli(p):

    def pdf(k):
        return p**k * (1-p)**(1-k)

    while True:
        obs = 1 if random.random() <= p else 0
        yield obs, pdf(obs)

def binomial(n, p):

    def B(n, p):
        return math.factorial(n)//(math.factorial(p)*math.factorial(n-p))
    def pdf(k):
        return B(n, k) * p**k * (1-p)**(n-k)

    coins = [bernoulli(p)] * n
    while True:
        flips = map(operator.itemgetter(0), map(next, coins))
        obs = sum(flips)
        yield obs, pdf(obs)

def geometric(p):
    def pdf(k):
        return (1-p)**(k-1) * p

    Biter = iter(bernoulli(p))
    def G():
        while True: 
            head, p = next(Biter)
            if head: break
        return i

    while True:
        obs = G()
        yield obs, pdf(obs)

def constant(v, p):

    def pdf(k):
        return p if k == v else 0

    while True:
        obs = v
        yield obs, pdf(obs) 

def poisson(rate):

    def pdf(k):
        return math.exp(-rate) * rate**k / math.factorial(k)

    while True:
        u = random.random()
        t = -math.log(1-u)/rate
        obs = math.floor(t)
        yield obs, pdf(obs)

α = geometric(p=.5)
β = geometric(p=.5)
γ = geometric(p=.8)
η = geometric(p=.1)
ω = constant(v=2, p=.5)

smcculloch___o = smachine(rules=[ [γ, mcculloch_fourth_ruleo], 
                                  [α, mcculloch_third_ruleo], 
                                  [β, mcculloch_sixth_ruleo], 
                                  [η, mcculloch_fifth_ruleo] ])