Source code for muk.core



    *law of fresh*
        if x is fresh, then unify(v, x) succeeds and associates x with v    

    *law of unify*
        unify(v, w) is the same as unify(w, v)

    *law of conde*
        to get more values from conde, pretend that the successful conde line
        has failed, refreshing all variables that got an association from that


        to transform a function whose value is not a Boolean into a function
        whose value is a goal, add an extra argument to hold its value, replace
        `cond` with `conde`, and unnest each question and answer. 

    >>> from muk.core import *
    >>> from muk.ext import *

from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import count
from contextlib import contextmanager
from inspect import signature
from functools import partial, reduce, wraps

from muk.sexp import *
from muk.utils import *

# STATES {{{

state = namedtuple('state', ['sub', 'next_index'])

def emptystate():
    return state(sub={}, next_index=0)

def states_stream(g, initial_state=emptystate()):
    α = g(initial_state)
    yield α

# }}}


class extend_list:

    def __init__(self, prefix, var):
        self.prefix = prefix
        self.var = var

    def as_cons(self, translate):
        return translate(tuple(self.prefix + [self.var]))

    def walk_star(self, W):
        prefix = W(self.prefix) # foldr(lambda c, acc: [W(c)]+acc, self.prefix, [])
        walked = W(self.var)
        if isinstance(walked, extend_list):
            return extend_list(prefix + walked.prefix, walked.var)
        if isinstance(walked, list):
            return prefix + walked  
            return extend_list(prefix, walked)

    def unification(self, other, sub, ext_s, U, E):
            UEL = other._unification_extend_list
        except AttributeError:
                l = len(self.prefix)

                if len(other) < l: raise E

                other_prefix = other[:l]
                other_suffix = other[l:]
            except TypeError: 
                raise E
                sub_prefix = U(self.prefix, other_prefix, sub, ext_s)
                return U(self.var, other_suffix, sub_prefix, ext_s)
            return UEL(self, sub, ext_s, U)

    def _unification_extend_list(self, other, sub, ext_s, U):

        l = len(self.prefix)
        if len(other.prefix) < l:
            return other._unification_extend_list(self, sub, ext_s, U)
        elif l < len(other.prefix):
            other_prefix = other.prefix[:l]
            shorter_extend_list = extend_list(prefix=other.prefix[l:], var=other.var)
            sub_prefix = U(self.prefix, other_prefix, sub, ext_s)
            return U(self.var, shorter_extend_list, sub_prefix, ext_s)
            sub_prefix = U(other.prefix, self.prefix, sub, ext_s)
            return U(other.var, self.var, sub_prefix, ext_s)

    def _unification_difference_list(self, other, sub, ext_s, U):
        return other.whole._unification_prefix_extend_list(self, sub, ext_s, U)

    def _unification_prefix_extend_list(self, other, sub, ext_s, U):
        return U(self.prefix, other, sub, ext_s)

    def _unification_exclude(self, other, exclude, sub, ext_s, U):
        if exclude == self.var:
            return U(self.prefix, other, sub, ext_s)

        raise NotImplemented

    def reify_s(self, sub, R):
        sub_prefix = foldr(lambda c, sub: R(c, sub), self.prefix, sub)
        return R(self.var, sub_prefix) 

    def occur_check(self, u, O, E):
        for c in self.prefix:
            O(u, c)
        return O(u, self.var)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        try: eq = other.__eq__extend_list
        except AttributeError: return False
        else: return eq(self)

    def __eq__extend_list(self, other):
        return self.prefix == other.prefix and self.var == other.var

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{} + {}'.format(repr(self.prefix), repr(self.var))

    def __radd__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, list):
            return extend_list(other+self.prefix, self.var)

        raise NotImplemented

    def __sub__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, var):
            return difference_list(whole=self, suffix=other)

        raise NotImplemented

class difference_list:
    def __init__(self, whole, suffix):
        self.whole = whole
        self.suffix = suffix

    def walk_star(self, W):
        whole = W(self.whole)
        suffix = W(self.suffix)
        return [] if whole == suffix else difference_list(whole, suffix)

    def unification(self, other, sub, ext_s, U, E):
            UDL = other._unification_difference_list
        except AttributeError:
            if isinstance(other, list):
                try: UP = self.whole._unification_exclude
                except AttributeError: raise E
                else: return UP(other, self.suffix, sub, ext_s, U)
                raise E
            return UDL(self, sub, ext_s, U)

    def _unification_difference_list(self, other, sub, ext_s, U):
        sub_whole = U(other.whole, self.whole, sub, ext_s)
        return U(other.suffix, self.suffix, sub_whole, ext_s)

    def reify_s(self, sub, R):
        sub_whole = R(self.whole, sub)
        return R(self.suffix, sub_whole)

    def occur_check(self, u, O, E):
        raise NotImplemented

        for c in self.prefix: 
            O(u, c)
        return O(u, self.var)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        try: eq = other.__eq__difference_list
        except AttributeError: return False
        else: return eq(self)

    def __eq__difference_list(self, other):
        return self.whole == other.whole and self.suffix == other.suffix

    def __repr__(self):
        return '({}) - {}'.format(repr(self.whole), repr(self.suffix))

# }}}

# VARS {{{

class var:

    _subscripts = {'0':'₀', '1':'₁','2':'₂','3':'₃','4':'₄','5':'₅','6':'₆','7':'₇','8':'₈','9':'₉'}

    def __init__(self, index, name):
        self.index = index = name

    def __eq__(self, other):
        try: eq = other.__eq__var
        except AttributeError: return False
        else: return eq(self)

    def __eq__var(self, other):
        return self.index == other.index and ==

    def __hash__(self):
        t = self.index,
        return hash(t)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{}{}'.format(, ''.join(self._subscripts[c] for c in str(self.index)))

    def __radd__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, list): 
            return extend_list(prefix=other, var=self)

        raise NotImplemented

    def __sub__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, (list, var)): 
            return difference_list(whole=self, suffix=other)

        raise NotImplemented

    def walk_star(self, W):
        return self

    def reify_s(self, sub, R):
        return ext_s(self, rvar(len(sub)), sub)

    def unification(self, other, sub, ext_s, U, E): 
        try: UV = other._unification_var
        except AttributeError: return ext_s(self, other, sub)
        else: return UV(self, sub, ext_s, U)

    def _unification_var(self, other_var, sub, ext_s, U):
        return sub if self == other_var else ext_s(other_var, self, sub)

    def __getattr__(self, name):

        if not name.startswith('_unification_'): 
            raise AttributeError

        return lambda other, sub, ext_s, U: ext_s(self, other, sub)

    def occur_check(self, u, O, E):
        if self == u: raise E

class rvar(var):

    def __init__(self, index, reifed_name='▢'):
        super().__init__(index, name=reifed_name)
    def reify_s(self, sub, R):
        return sub

# }}}


class Tautology:

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, Tautology)

    def __repr__(self):
        return type(self).__name__

class UnificationError(ValueError):

[docs]def unification(u, v, sub, ext_s): ''' Attempts to augment substitution ``sub`` with associations that makes ``u`` unify with ``v``. ''' u, v = walk(u, sub), walk(v, sub) try: return u.unification(v, sub, ext_s, unification, UnificationError) except (AttributeError, UnificationError): pass try: return v.unification(u, sub, ext_s, unification, UnificationError) except (AttributeError, UnificationError): pass if (type(u) is tuple and type(v) is tuple) or \ (type(u) is list and type(v) is list): if len(u) != len(v): raise UnificationError else: return reduce(lambda subr, pair: unification(*pair, subr, ext_s), zip(u, v), sub) elif u == v: return sub raise UnificationError()
# }}} # SUBSTITUTION {{{ def walk(u, sub): try: while True: u = sub[u] except (TypeError, # to defend against unhashable objs KeyError): # to defend from "ground" objs and stop iter when `u` is a *fresh* var return u def walk_star(v, sub): v = walk(v, sub) if hasattr(v, 'walk_star'): return v.walk_star(lambda u: walk_star(u, sub)) elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): return [walk_star(u, sub) for u in v] else: return v class OccurCheck(ValueError): pass def occur_check(ext_s): @wraps(ext_s) def E_s(u, v, sub, occur_check=False): def O(u, v): v = walk(v, sub) if hasattr(v, 'occur_check'): v.occur_check(u, O, OccurCheck) elif type(v) is tuple or isinstance(v, list): for vv in v: O(u, vv) if occur_check: O(u, v) return ext_s(u, v, sub) return E_s @occur_check def ext_s(u, v, sub): if False: if not isinstance(u, var): raise ValueError("Non `var` obj {} as key in substitution {}".format(u, sub)) if u == v: raise ValueError('Illegal identity association between {} and {}, according to 9.12 of The Reasoned Schemer'.format(u, v)) if u in sub: # check to ensure consistency of previously unified values if sub[u] != v: raise UnificationError else: return sub e = sub.copy() e[u] = v return e def reify_s(v, sub): v = walk(v, sub) if hasattr(v, 'reify_s'): return v.reify_s(sub, reify_s) elif isinstance(v, list): return reduce(lambda sub, u: reify_s(u, sub), v, sub) else: return sub def reify(v): return walk_star(v, reify_s(v, sub={})) # }}} # GOAL CTORS {{{ class goal(object): def __or__(self, g): return _disj(self, g, interleaving=True) def __xor__(self, g): return _disj(self, g, interleaving=False) def __matmul__(self, g): return _conj(self, g, interleaving=True) def __and__(self, g): return _conj(self, g, interleaving=False) def __invert__(self): return complement(self) class primitive(goal): def __init__(self, rule): self.rule = rule def __call__(self, s : state): yield from iter(self.rule(s)) succeed = primitive(rule=lambda s: [s]) # a goal that is satisfied by *any* substitution fail = primitive(rule=lambda s: []) # a goal that is satisfied by *no* substitution
[docs]class _unify(goal): ''' Attempts to perform :py:func:`unification <muk.core.unification>` to make ``u`` and ``v`` unifiable given a set of associations for logic variables. ''' def __init__(self, u, v, ext_s): self.u = u self.v = v self.ext_s = ext_s def __call__(self, s : state): try: sub = unification(self.u, self.v, s.sub, self.ext_s) except UnificationError: yield from fail(s) else: yield from succeed(state(sub, s.next_index))
[docs]class fresh(goal): ''' Introduce new logic variables according to the needs of receiver ``f``. If ``f`` is a thunk then ``fresh`` is equivalent to the inversion of η-rule as defined in *higher-order* logic:: def η_inverse(t): def I(s : state): g = t() yield from g(s) return I having particular application in the definition of *recursive* relations. ''' def __init__(self, f, arity=None): self.f = f if arity: self.params = [(i, n) for i in range(arity) for n in [chr(ord('a') + i)]] else: f_sig = signature(f) arity = len(f_sig.parameters) self.params = [(i, for i, (k, v) in enumerate(f_sig.parameters.items())] def __call__(self, s : state): logic_vars = [var(s.next_index+i, n) for (i, n) in self.params] setattr(self, 'logic_vars', logic_vars) # set the attr in any case, even if `logic_vars == []` because of η-inversion g = self.f(*logic_vars) α = g(state(s.sub, s.next_index + len(logic_vars))) yield from α
[docs]class _disj(goal): ''' A goal that is satisfiable if *either* goal ``g1`` *or* goal ``g2`` is satisfiable. Formally, it produces the following states space: .. math:: \left( \\begin{array}{c}s \stackrel{g_{1}}{\\mapsto} \\alpha \\\\ s \stackrel{g_{2}}{\\mapsto} \\beta \\end{array}\\right) = \left( \\begin{array}{ccccc} s_{00} & s_{01} & s_{02} & s_{03} & \\ldots \\\\ s_{10} & s_{11} & s_{12} & s_{13} & \\ldots \\\\ \\end{array}\\right) enumerated using ``mplus`` according to ``interleaving`` arg. ''' def __init__(self, g1, g2, *, interleaving): self.g1 = g1 self.g2 = g2 self.interleaving = interleaving def __call__(self, s : state): α, β = self.g1(s), self.g2(s) yield from mplus(iter([α, β]), self.interleaving)
[docs]class _conj(goal): ''' A goal that is satisfiable if *both* goal ``g1`` *and* goal ``g2`` is satisfiable. Formally, it produces the following states space: .. math:: s \stackrel{g_{1}}{\\mapsto} \\alpha = \left( \\begin{array}{c}s_{0}\\\\s_{1}\\\\s_{2}\\\\ s_{3}\\\\ \\ldots\\end{array}\\right) \stackrel{bind(\\alpha, g_{2})}{\\mapsto} \left( \\begin{array}{ccccc} s_{00} & s_{01} & s_{02} & s_{03} & \\ldots \\\\ s_{10} & s_{11} & s_{12} & \\ldots & \\\\ s_{20} & s_{21} & \\ldots & & \\\\ s_{30} & \\ldots & & & \\\\ \\ldots & & & & \\\\ \\end{array}\\right) ''' def __init__(self, g1, g2, *, interleaving): self.g1 = g1 self.g2 = g2 self.interleaving = interleaving def __call__(self, s : state): α = self.g1(s) yield from bind(α, self.g2, mplus=partial(mplus, interleaving=self.interleaving))
class complement(goal): def __init__(self, g): self.g = g def __call__(self, s : state): α = self.g(s) try: r = next(α) # r : state except StopIteration: yield from succeed(s) else: yield from fail(s) # }}} # STATE STREAMS {{{
[docs]def mplus(streams, interleaving): ''' It enumerates the states space ``streams``, using different strategies according to ``interleaving``. In order to understand states enumeration can be helpful to use a matrix, where we associate a row to each stream of states α belonging to ``streams``. Since ``streams`` is an ``iter`` obj over a *countably*, possibly infinite, set of *states streams*, the matrix could have infinite rows. In parallel, since each states stream α lying on a row is a ``iter`` obj over a *countably*, possibly infinite, set of *satisfying states*, the matrix could have infinite columns; therefore, the matrix we are building could be infinite in both dimensions. So, let ``streams`` be represented as follows: .. math:: \left( \\begin{array}{ccccc} s_{00} & s_{01} & s_{02} & s_{03} & \\ldots \\\\ s_{10} & s_{11} & s_{12} & \\ldots & \\\\ s_{20} & s_{21} & \\ldots & & \\\\ s_{30} & \\ldots & & & \\\\ \\ldots & & & & \\\\ \\end{array}\\right) In order to enumerate this infinite matrix we have the following strategies: *depth-first* Enumerates a stream α committed to it until it is saturated or continue to yield its ``state`` objects forever; in other words, it enumerates row by row. For the sake of clarity, assume the first :math:`k` streams are finite and the :math:`k`-th is the first to be infinite, hence we are in the following context: .. math:: \left( \\begin{array}{ccccc} s_{00} & s_{01} & \\ldots & s_{0i_{0}} \\\\ s_{10} & s_{11} & \\ldots & s_{1i_{1}} \\\\ \ldots_{\\triangle} \\\\ s_{k-1, 0} & s_{k-1,1} & \\ldots & s_{k-1,i_{k-1}} \\\\ s_{k0} & s_{k1} & \\ldots & \ldots & \ldots \\\\ s_{k+1, 0} & \\ldots & & \\\\ \\ldots & & & \\\\ \\end{array}\\right) so enumeration proceeds as follows: :math:`s_{00}, s_{01},\\ldots, s_{0i_{0}}, s_{10}, s_{11}, \\ldots, s_{1i_{1}}, \\ldots_{\\triangle}, s_{k-1,0}, s_{k-1, 1},\\ldots, s_{k-1,i_{k-1}}, s_{k0}, s_{k1},\\ldots` yielding from stream :math:`\\alpha_{k}` forever, *never* reaching :math:`s_{k+1, 0}`. *breadth-first* Enumerates interleaving *state* objects belonging to adjacent streams, lying on the same column; in other words, it enumerates column by column. If ``streams`` is an iterator over an infinite set of streams, the it enumerates only the very first ``state`` objects, namely :math:`s_{00}, s_{10}, s_{20}, s_{30},\ldots`. The following is a straighforward implementation:: from itertools import chain while True: try: α = next(streams) except StopIteration: break else: try: s = next(α) # s : state except StopIteration: continue else: yield s streams = chain(streams, [α]) *dovetail* Enumerates interleaving `state` objects lying on the same *diagonal*, resulting in a *fair scheduler* in the sense that *every* satisfying ``state`` object will be reached, eventually. For the sake of clarity, enumeration proceeds as follows: .. math:: s_{00}, s_{10}, s_{01}, s_{20}, s_{11}, s_{02}, s_{30}, s_{21}, s_{12}, s_{03}, \\ldots providing a *complete* enumeration strategy. :param iter stream: an iterator over a *countable* set of ``state``-streams :param bool interleaving: enumeration strategy selector: *dovetail* if ``interleaving`` else *depth-first* :return: an ``iter`` object over satisfying ``state`` objects ''' if interleaving: try: α = next(streams) except StopIteration: return else: S = [α] while S: for j in reversed(range(len(S))): β = S[j] try: s = next(β) except StopIteration: del S[j] else: yield s try: α = next(streams) except StopIteration: pass else: S.append(α) else: for α in streams: yield from α
[docs]def bind(α, g, *, mplus): ''' A stream combinator, it applies goal ``g`` to each ``state`` in stream ``α``. Such mapping can be *linear* in the sense of vanilla ``map`` application: .. math:: \\alpha = \left( \\begin{array}{c}s_{0}\\\\s_{1}\\\\s_{2}\\\\ s_{3}\\\\ \\ldots\\end{array}\\right) \stackrel{map(g, \\alpha)}{\\mapsto} \left( \\begin{array}{ccccc} s_{00} & s_{01} & s_{02} & s_{03} & \\ldots \\\\ s_{10} & s_{11} & s_{12} & \\ldots & \\\\ s_{20} & s_{21} & \\ldots & & \\\\ s_{30} & \\ldots & & & \\\\ \\ldots & & & & \\\\ \\end{array}\\right) After the mapping obj is built, it is consumed as argument by ``mplus`` to enumerate the states space. Moreover, a recursive implementation can be written as found in *The Reasoned Schemer*, but in some cases it raises ``RecursionError`` due to Python limitation on stack usage:: try: s = next(α) # s : state except StopIteration: yield from fail() else: β = g(s) γ = bind(α, g, mplus) yield from mplus(iter([β, γ])) which produces the following states space: .. math:: \\alpha = \left( \\begin{array}{c}s_{0}\\\\s_{1}\\\\s_{2}\\\\ s_{3}\\\\ \\ldots\\end{array}\\right) \stackrel{bind(\\alpha, g)}{\\mapsto} \left( \\begin{array}{l} s_{00} \, s_{01} \, s_{02} \, s_{03} \, s_{04} \,s_{05} \,\\ldots \\\\ \left( \\begin{array}{l} s_{10} \, s_{11} \, s_{12} \, \\ldots \, \\\\ \left( \\begin{array}{l} s_{20} \, s_{21} \, \\ldots \, \, \\\\ \left( \\begin{array}{l} s_{30} \, \\ldots \, \, \, \\\\ \\ldots \, \, \, \, \\\\ \\end{array}\\right) \\end{array}\\right) \\end{array}\\right) \\end{array}\\right) assuming we want to enumerate using interleaving: .. math:: s_{00}, s_{10}, s_{01}, s_{20}, s_{02}, s_{11}, s_{03}, s_{30}, s_{04}, s_{12}, s_{05}, s_{21}\ldots which, although *complete*, is *unbalanced* in favor of first streams. :param iter α: an iterator over a *countable* set of ``state`` objects :param goal g: a relation to be satisfied :param callable mplus: states space enumeration strategy :return: an ``iter`` object over satisfying ``state`` objects ''' yield from mplus(map(g, α))
# }}} # INTERFACE {{{
[docs]def run(goal, n=False, var_selector=lambda *args: args[0], post=lambda r: cons_to_list(r) if isinstance(r, cons) else r): ''' Looks for a list of at most ``n`` associations ``[(u, v) for v in ...]`` such that when var ``u`` takes value ``v`` the relation ``goal`` is satisfied, where ``u`` is the *main var* respect the whole ``run`` invocation; otherwise, it enumerates the relation if ``n`` is ``False``. :param goal: the relation to be satisfied respect to the main var according to :py:obj:`var_selector`. ''' with states_stream(goal) as α: domain = range(n) if n else count() subs = [a.sub for i, a in zip(domain, α)] logic_vars = getattr(goal, 'logic_vars', None) # defaults to `None` instead of `[]` to distinguish attr set by `_fresh` m_var = var_selector(*logic_vars) if logic_vars else Tautology() # any satisfying sub is a Tautology if there are no logic vars def λ(sub): w_var = walk_star(m_var, sub) # instantiate every content in the expr associated to `main_var` in `sub` to the most specific value r_var = reify(w_var) return post(r_var) return list(map(λ, subs))
# }}}